ChiroSuite EHR Version 16.1
Release Date: October 5, 2011
ChiroSuite EHR
- Patient Information
- Referral Types
- UPDATED – User is now able to add a new referral type when only Active Referral Types are displayed.
- NEW FEATURE – Communication Preference field has been added.
- Catalogs
- UPDATED – Browse window now defaults to hide Inactive records.
- UPDATED – A checkbox has been added to allow the user to display Inactive records.
- Tools
- Utilities
- NEW FEATURE – SQLExec tool can now be run from this menu.
- SmartPad Template Editor: This tool has been updated to use a new text control with many new features.
- Reports
- Appointments
- Missed Appointment Report
- FIXED – Addressed an issue that could lead to runtime error 5.
ChiroPad EMR
- NEW FEATURE – EXTREMTIY EXAM: This new module has been designed to be simple to learn while maintaining the robust level
of customization ChiroPad EMR allows for the user.
- Vertical Menu
- Exams
- NEW FEATURE – Added buttons for Sensory, Muscle, and Extremity.
- Tools
- Catalogs
- NEW FEATURE – Appointment Templates are now accessible through this menu.
- Customize
- Subjective
- Complaint Adjectives
- UPDATED – Added Multi-Select support to allow the user to make multiple selections and then
commit all changes at once.
- NEW FEATURE – Double left clicking items in the available list now allows for editing of the description.
- NEW FEATURE – Complaint History Section to allow for customization of the Caused By and Activity At Injury lists in the new Subjective Complaint History tab.
- Objective
- Ortho/Nuero Exams
- UPDATED – Edit Existing
- Full description entries or modifications now enable the OK button to allow the user to save changes if only the Full Description was modified.
- The height of the Full Description text box was increased.
- Settings
- SOAP Notes
- NEW FEATURE – Ortho/Nuero option to generate test information with the full description.
- Documents
- UPDATED – New SOAP Tab: View Layout setting is now correctly saved so the setting is retained when the user returns
to the Documents window.
- NEW FEATURE – Suppress options have been added for Complaint History, Medications, and Medication Allergies.
- Subjective
- Complaint Detail
- Main Tab
- NEW FEATURE – Additional detail items for Pain Quality, Sensation, and Movement have been added
for extended verbiage.
- NEW FEATURE – History Tab: This new tab now allows for the entry of complaint specific history. This new
history information will generate with extended verbiage.
- Objective
- UPDATED – Fixations and Adjustment Results no longer display incorrectly and no longer cause note generation for
vertebral levels with no subluxations to fail.
- Diagnostic Imaging Report (DIR)
- UPDATED – Lists and Note Generation now connect to the local verbiage database to improve performance.
- UPDATED - Occiput, left ilium, right ilium, sacrum, and coccyx now generate instead of OCC, Li, Ri, S, and COC
- UPDATED – Prescribing doctor now generates into the report when In Office is selected as the location.
- Sensory Exam
- UPDATED – Lists and Note Generation now connect to the local verbiage database to improve performance.
- Note Generation
- UPDATED – The selected examiner will now generate into the report if different than the default examiner.
- UPDATED – Fixed an issue where the generated text would incorrectly note a normal sensation when an
abnormal sensation was selected on the same dermatome level as a normal sensation.
- UPDATED – Added support to dermatome verbiage for the [a/an] merge field.
- UPDATED – Fixed an issue where the abnormal sensation was getting duplicated.
- UPDATED – Selecting Grade 1 now clears the Pain and Paresthesia selections if they have already been previously
checked off.
- Muscle Exam
- Preferences
- UPDATED – Modified design of the window.
- UPDATED – Note format options have been separated from the SOAP Note Insertion options.
- UPDATED – Lists and Note Generation now connect to the local verbiage database to improve performance.
- UPDATED – Selecting another muscle after the first selected muscle no longer defaults the last selected side to the next
muscle selected.
- Extended Details
- UPDATED – This window no displays in the center of the screen.
- UPDATED – Muscle Side Details and Injuries/Surgeries textboxes are now multiline and have vertical scrollbars.
- UPDATED – The user is now notified if a Muscle’s Side is not selected when trying to make a selection or entry.
- UPDATED – The Remove button size has been increased to better accommodate larger muscle names.
- UPDATED – A single entry or selection will now cause the node image of the selected side to change to indicate
to the user that there are extended details stored for the selected side.
- UPDATED – If the user makes change and then clicks Cancel, the user is now prompted to save or discard
- NEW FEATURE – Text boxes on this window now support drag and drop.
- Note Generation
- Basic List Format
- NEW FEATURE – Extended Details now generate for this format.
- UPDATED – Muscle Details now generate on the next line and indented.
- UPDATED – This format no longer ends with a period after the last word.
- UPDATED – Muscle names now generate capitalized.
- List Muscles By Strength Format
- NEW FEATURE – Extended Details now generate for this format.
- UPDATED – When using the detailed AMA grading, a short description is now generated next to the
- UPDATED – Muscle names now generate capitalized.
- Use Sentence Format
- UPDATED – Fixed capitalization when AMA grade full text is generated.
- UPDATED – Fixed an issue where a space preceded the period in every sentence generated.
- UPDATED – The side of the muscle is no longer capitalized.
- FIXED – An Issue was resolved where the second sentence would begin without capitalization.
- UPDATED – Addressed an instance where bold face text would sometimes end with a single character not being
bold faced.
- FIXED – Addressed a punctuation issue where a semi colon would be followed by a space and then a period.
- UPDATED – Extended details now generate in lowercase excluding section titles.
- Physical Exam
- NEW FEATURE – Exam date can now be edited.
- NEW FEATURE – Growth Chart: Users can now plot growth charts in the Physical Exam window and print the results for
patients between the ages of 2 and 20. Labels are displayed at each point.
- NEW FEATURE – Weight Chart: Users can now plot weight charts in the Physical Exam window and print the results for
patients between the ages of 2 and 20. Labels are displayed at each point.
- NEW FEATURE – Blood Type has been added to allow the user to enter the blood type of the patient.
- UPDATED – Weight is now stored in decimal format.
- Assessment
- Assessment
- NEW FEATURE – Smart Date has been implemented to allow the user to modify the date of an Assessment.
- Back and Forward buttons are available to move through the patient’s Assessment records.
- UPDATED – After saving the date list is now refreshed.
- FIXED – An issue that would not commit changes to the check box grids on this tab.
- Prognosis
- UPDATED – Custom Prognosis now support unlimited text.
- UPDATED – After saving the date list is now refreshed.
- Health History
- NEW FEATURE – The Add New window now support drag and drop.
- SOAP Note Generation
- UPDATED – Enabled option to Force Patient Comments for Subjective an Objective.
- UPDATED – Work Status title now prints bold faced and underlined.
- UPDATED – Work Status section will now print if any information is generated into the SOAP Note for Work Status.
- Objective
- Physical Exam
- UPDATED – Fixed an issue that would cause the Objective section to not generate if the abnormal
rhythm was blank.
- NEW FEATURE – Blood Type now generates in this section of the note.
- Ortho/Nuero Exam
- NEW FEATURE – Positive findings now generate in bold face.
- NEW FEATURE – An option has been added to the Tools > Settings > SOAP Notes to allow the user to
display the full description stored with the Ortho/Nuero Exam. Full descriptions print after all test
findings and are titled using italicized text for easy reading.
- Muscle Exam
- NEW FEATURE – Additional Notes now generate for Muscle Exams.
- NEW FEATURE – Extremity Exam Generates into the Objective section of the note.
- NEW FEATURE – Medication and Medication Allergy Lists now generate into the SOAP Note.
- Plan
- FIXED – Adjustment result would sometimes generate without correct punctuation.
- FIXED – Subsequent iterations were not being added correctly to the adjustment result.
- Narrative Generation
- UPDATED - Updates to the narrative text generation engine greatly reduce generation times.
- NEW FEATURE – Ortho/Nuero test will now generate with full descriptions if the option is turned on in preferences.
- NEW FEATURE – Merge fields have been added for the following:
- Emergency Contact Information
- Extremity Exam
- Muscle Exam
- Sensory Exam
- Medications – Active
- Medications – History
- Medication Allergies – Active
- cation Allergies – History
- Insurance Visitometer
- Diagnosis Visitometer
- Insurance Policies
- UPDATED – When policy information is loading, if the carrier identified in the policy is not found in the catalog, the policy
information will not be displayed and the user is notified that the policy information will not be displayed for an invalid
Insurance Carrier.
- Appointments
- UPDATED – Addressed an issue that would not allow the user to add or edit an appointment in the past.
- Claims
- UPDATED – All Zip code fileds now print in the Zip + 4 format in support of the 5010 format.
- NYC4
- UPDATED – Claims created prior to 4/1/2009 will now print using the old C4 format.
- Transactions
- NEW FEATURE – Added partial approval support for XCharge transactions to be compliant with the MasterCard Partial
Approval Mandate (MCPAM).
- UPDATED – Remarks for Charge transactions
- Card balance is now displayed if applicable.
- Required charge information is now displayed within the remarks and has been removed from the receipt print
- UPDATED – A signature line now displays on printed receipts when there is no signature captured through ChiroOffice.
- NEW FEATURE – Gift is now an available option when processing a charge card through XCharge.
- UPDATED – SigPad Functionality
- SigPlus.ocx has been updated to the latest version.
- UPDATED – When using X-Charge, Credit Card Charges now include sales tax, if any, for city and state.
- UPDATED – When editing a transaction that is on a claim, the claim due amount is now displayed correctly.
- Transaction Ledger
- FIXED – Addressed an issue when minimizing the Transaction Ledger that would cause a runtime error.
- FIXED – Addressed an issue when maximizing the Transaction Ledger when the user did not make a selection (clicked the
X) on the select transactions window which would cause a runtime error.
- Tools
- Catalogs
- Insurance Carriers
- UPDATED – Copy To Other Carriers Functionality now offers buttons to the user to select all or select
- Reports
- Insurance
- Insurance Claims Outstanding
- FIXED – Selecting any or All of the out of date form types no longer cause the report to not
- Insurance Claim Review
- FIXED – Corrected an issue that would miscalculate the grand total at the end of the report as
a result of leaving off the last claim’s numbers.
ChiroSuite EHR Version 16.0
Release Date: January 20, 2011
ChiroSuite EHR
- Attendant
- UPDATED – The button sizes have been increased to accommodate larger icons and the location of the Attendant has been adjusted to ensure it does not fall behind the taskbar.
- UPDATED – Permission rules have been optimized to ensure that a user that does not have permission to Open either ChiroOffice or ChiroPad cannot do so.
- Front Desk
- Suppress Appointment Reminders no longer displays when the Find tab is selected.
- Tools
- Reports
- Appointments
- Appointment Schedule
- FIXED – An issue where the name field would be blank related to a new patient appointment.
- EHR – NEW FEATURE added for EHR specific reports
- EHR Audit Log Report – MU 170.302r
- Displays the audit log as required by MU 170.302r with options to sort and select by date range.
- Patient Information
- Personal Tab
- NEW FEATURES for MU 170.304c
- Fields have been added to log the Race, Ethnicity, and Preferred Language of patients.
- Referral Types
- NEW FEATURE – A checkbox has been added to allow the user to set the status of Referral Types. By default the status is Active. System Referral Types cannot be made inactive.
- NEW FEATURE – A checkbox has been added to allow the user to view all Referral Types regardless of status.
- UPDATED – The Add process has been modified to check for existing referral types to avoid duplicate entries in the Referral Types.
- UPDATED – Logic used to determine internal Referral IDs has been modified to avoid IDs that could conflict with system IDs.
- Documents Tab
- Resize Window
- FIXED – An issue if a user would delete the current value from the height field and runtime error would occur.
- User Security – Modified for MU 170.302o thru v
- UPDATED – Modified the height of the window to accommodate more rows and adjusted the sizes of the buttons to be larger.
- NEW FEATURE – User IDs for new accounts must now be at least 3 characters long.
- NEW FEATURE – User IDs are now checked when adding new users to ensure all User IDs are unique. ID availability is displayed on screen to notify the user instantly.
- NEW FEATURE – Modified the save process validation rules to check that all required information is saved and in conformance to security standards as defined by MU 170.302o and 170.302t.
- Missing information is now highlighted in red and the field gains focus to assist the user in completed required information.
- NEW FEATURE – EHR Security Group
- Added permissions for View EHR Audit Log and Manage Emergency Access.
- NEW FEATURE – Added buttons on the permissions tab to check or uncheck all permissions.
- SmartPad Open Permission
- UPDATED – This permission is now enabled when accessing SmartPad from the Tools menu.
- Modify SOAP Notes
- UPDATED – This permission has been enabled. Without this permission users are still able to view notes and are notified that they do not have modification privileges.
- Preferences
- NEW FEATURE – Auto Log Off for MU 170.302q
- Options are available to simply log off the system and shutdown the software completely after specified time.
- Front Desk
- NEW FEATURE – Show Full Plan Name : This preference allows the use to control whether the full plan name or just the Plan ID will display in the Appointment Book.
- EHR Audit Log for MU 170.302r
- NEW FEATURE – Added back end functionality to track when EHR data is created, modified, accessed, or deleted.
- SOAP Note Batch Printing
- UPDATED – The height of this window has been increased.
- NEW FEATURE – Encryption for MU 170.302u
- Added option to Encrypt Files when exporting to RTF.
- Added button to Verify RTF Integrity to ensure encrypted files were not modified.
- Diagnosis – Modified for MU 170.302d
- NEW FEATURE – Added Status column to allow user to indicate the status of a specific diagnosis (Active, Resolved, or Inactive). Status changes are logged as well as the last date modified.
- UPDATED – Diagnosis History is now Diagnosis List.
- UPDATED – Diagnosis list now displays 2 sections, Active Diagnosis List and Diagnosis History. The Active list only displays codes that are marked as active. The history shows the complete Diagnosis history regardless of status.
- SmartPad
- FIXED – A random bug that would cause error messages when saving any document.
- Database32
- NEW FEATURE – Added tool to remove duplicate Paresthesia listings.
ChiroPad EMR
- Check For Missing Verbiage
- UPDATED – Tweaked this function by adding some clean up routines to remove duplicate Paresthesia listings and remove incorrectly created verbiage with invalid IDs.
- ChiroPad EMR Item Lists
- UPDATED – Set the number of displayed items to 20 to eliminate the user needing to scroll.
- Subjective
- FIXED – The right third and fourth toes are now able to be selected correctly.
- Plan
- UPDATED – Visit Status: Only statuses marked as Active are displayed.
- Visual Analog Pain Scale
- UPDATED – A scroll bar has been added to the History tab.
- Exams
- Physical
- NEW FEATURE – Body Mass Index(BMI) for MU 170.302f
- Calculates BMI for Pounds and Kilograms and displays weight status based on BMI.
- FIXED – Print issue where findings were not printing.
- Health History
- UPDATED – Increased height and width of the controls on the window.
- Medication Lists on this window are now obsolete by the new Medications window. This is noted beneath the medication lists.
- Main Menu
- NEW FEATURE – Added Prescriptions tab.
- Medications
- NEW FEATURE – Active List for MU 170.302d – allows for accurate logging and tracking of patient medications.
- NEW FEATURE – Allergy List for MU 170.302e – allows for tracking medication allergies.
- Both the Active and Allergy Lists allow the user to Add or Edit medications.
- Narrative Generation
- FIXED – Issues that would not generate ROM and/or OrthoNeuro.
- Transaction Ledger
- NEW FEATURE – User can now choose to print CPT code when printing the ledger.
- Transactions
- FIXED – Issue that would incorrectly try to write an image to the connected signature device.
- Post Insurance
- Line Item Posting (LIP)
- UPDATED – If a CoPay is modified in the LIP view, the claim is forced to be LIP to avoid a possible issue on the Global view.
- Insurance Manager
- UPDATED – The height of the claim list has been increased.
- UPDATED – The Claims Selected label now displays below the Claim Selection type.
- Tools
- Preferences
- Insurance
- Clearinghouse Settings
- FIXED – An Issue where the credentials would not be saved when being added for the first time.
Prior Release Notes
Version 15
Version 14
Version 12
Versions 10 through 11.4