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ChiroSuite EHR Version 15.1
Release Date: September 7, 2010
ChiroSuite EHR:
- Appointment Window
- UPDATED – Fixed an issue where an appointment would not be able to be scheduled if an existing appointment already existed for the specified time.
- NEW FEATURE – Appointment history now displays Missed (missed appointments), Error (staff errors), or Resch (rescheduled appointments).
- UPDATED – New/Edit Appointment functions now consider the Enable Overbooking Permission.
- Check-In Processing
- UPDATED – Improved back end logic.
- Tools
- Catalogs
- Referring Physician
- UPDATED – The ID field has been expanded and can no hold up to 17 characters.
- Browse/Search Window
- NEW FEATURE – Added Expanded View checkbox which adjusts the row height of records displayed to allow the user to see multiple lines within a record.
ChiroPad EMR:
- Subjective
- Complaint Related Tab
- NEW FEATURE – Added back end logic to ensure Motion, Sensory, or Pain has a selection.
- UPDATED – Tweaked region selection to properly remove regions when deselecting the region in the body view.
- Ortho Neuro
- UPDATED – addressed and issue that would cause a duplicate key message to be displayed.
- UPDATED – Inactive findings no longer load.
- UPDATED – Optimized database connections for increased performance.
- Auto History
- UPDATED – Fixed an issue where the vehicle speed would not load if it was previously saved.
- UPDATED – Indicating that the vehicle was stopped now clears out the MPH if filled in. Likewise, if MPH is entered, stopped will uncheck if it is checked. If MPH is set to 0, stopped is now automatically checked.
- Note Generation
- Sensory Exam
- UPDATED – Additional Notes are now inserted based on user preference.
- UPDATED – Optimized the generation process for network workstations.
- Narrative Generation
- Family History
- UPDATED – Fixed an issue where boys/girls would not generate if both were set to 1.
- Past History
- UPDATED – Fixed spelling of disease.
- ADLs
- UPDATED – Fixed and issue that would not generate ADLs.
- UPDATED – Fixed an issue that would make hyphenated last names be all lowercase. Applies to names with spaces as well.
- Voice Notes
- UPDATED – Fixed an issue that would not allow voice recordings.
- UPDATED – Improved the save process of recorded notes.
- UPDATED – Moved Record Voice Note/Stop Recording to its own menu for easier access.
- Documents Window
- UPDATED – Undo button is now functional.
- UPDATED – Force/Suppress ALL Options are now loaded prior to the individual force/suppress options so options do not have to be reset after each patient.
- Appointment Edit Window
- o UPDATED – The Auto Check Out macro now works off of the preference set in the public preferences under Transactions.
- Transactions
- NEW FEATURE – ChiroOffice now supports the Topaz SignatureGem LCD 1x5 (Model T-LBK462-HSB-R).
- UPDATED – Fixed an issue where assignment of a transaction would change when editing a receipt after un-checking Accept Assignment in the policies window.
- Tools
- Reports
- Insurance
- UPDATED – Total Billed To and Paid By Insurance has been renamed to Insurance Claim Review.
- UPDATED – Added Copay, Transfer, Write-Off, and Due.
- UPDATED – Changed page layout to landscape for easier viewing.
- UPDATED – Eliminated extra lines.
- Line Item Auditor Report
- UPDATED – Modified to consider changes to the Claim Auditor.
- UPDATED – Changed page layout to landscape for easier viewing.
- UPDATED – Added line under patient to make the display of data more readable.
- Settings
- Insurance
- NEW FEATURE – Added Electronic Clearinghouse Settings section to allow user to store login information for GatewayEDI and electronic claim submission via Secure FTP.
- NEW FEATURE – Added option to allow user to set the default claim type. The system default is CMS-1500 (08-05).
- Transactions
- NEW FEATURE – XCharge user name and password are now stored using AES 128bit encryption.
- Post Insurance
- Global Posting
- UPDATED – Fixed an issue that would display the due amount of the first claim when the last or subsequent claim was selected.
- Line Item Posting
- UPDATED – Address more issues related to the CoPay updates on the LIP view.
- UPDATED – Creating Quick Claims, deleting a claim, and other toolbar buttons now refresh the claims display after running.
- UPDATED – After viewing claim properties, the claims display reloads.
- UPDATED – Added continue posting functionality to the mouse right click event.
- LIP Auditor
- NEW FEATURE – Added in check to look for incorrect payments.
- UPDATED – Fixed false positive showing missing credits for lines that only had copay to zero out the balance.
- Transaction Ledger
- UPDATED – Ledger Summary now display Insurance Refused and CoPay in the patient services section.
- UPDATED – Added CoPay, Insurance Refused, and Other Credits total to the total column.
- UPDATED – The height of the ledger now extends to the bottom of the window.
- Printing
- NEW FEATURE – Added option to allow user to print the full ledger or just the summary.
- Claims
- NY C4.0 and 4.2
- UPDATED – Fixed an issue that would incorrectly multiply the Amount for line items.
- UPDATED – Internet Disk Image has been renamed to Print Image.
- UPDATED – Added GatewayEDI and as claim types. This is a preliminary step in further integrating claim processing functionality into ChiroOffice.
- Prebilling
- UPDATED – Show Active Patients Only option now correctly identifies Active accounts.
- UPDATED – For GatewayEDI and the Carrier PayerID is now enforced. If there is no PayerID on file for a carrier, claims will not be created.
- Claim Properties Window
- UPDATED – Increased height of both the service line and transaction line boxes.
- NEW FEATURE – Added Financial Transactions button to allow user to view/modify relationships of transactions to service lines. Open Service lines now display in blue.
- NEW FEATURE – Added Assign Transaction button to allow user to assign an orphaned transaction to a service line. Orphaned transaction lines now display in red and boldface indicating that they are not associated with a service line.
- NEW FEATURE – Added Delete Transaction button to allow user to remove incorrectly entered transactions on a claim.
- UPDATED – All new features affecting transactions require the user to have the necessary permissions to Edit or Delete Transactions.
- Insurance Manager
- NEW FEATURE – Added Process Responses button for GatewayEDI and integration.
ChiroSuite EHR Version 15.0
Release Date: April 15, 2010
ChiroSuite EHR:
- UPDATED – Scanned Documents
- The default file format has been changed to BMP and is no longer PNG.
- When adding a patient photo, the default format is now BMP.
- Tools
- Reports
- UPDATED – Income Referral Report
- Detail format now prints in landscape and columns have been resized to allow for more data to be displayed without having to wrap to the next line.
- Misapplied payment categories are now used to display more accurate calculations when determining the total collections.
- Patient referrals now display the name of the patient in addition to the Chart number.
- UPDATED – Missing Progress Notes Report
- SmartDate is now an option for this report.
- This report only searches for Service or Product categories.
- UPDATED – Appointment Schedule Report
- Total appointments are now displayed on this report.
- UPDATED – Missed Appointments Report
- Resolved an issue that would generate runtime error 13.
- Tweaked report output to avoid adding blank pages or pages with no header or footer information.
- NEW FEATURE – AutoLock Security: ChiroSuite now has the ability to automatically lock the software after a period of idle time. The amount of idle time is defined in Preferences under the General tab.
- UPDATED – Appointment Book
- Move appointment process has been enhanced.
- The overbooking process has been updated and all time slots load when Enable overbooking is turned on in user security. If enable overbooking is turned off, only times with sufficient slots available for the appointment being moved are displayed.
- Resolved an issue where an appointment would save to the wrong provider.
- Added in checks to not allow users to schedule appointments during blackout ranges.
- Catalogs
- Providers
- UPDATED – Initials: Updated the save process to ensure that initials are correctly ordered when entered and/or saved through the catalog.
- NEW FEATURE – Patient Close: a confirmation is now displayed when closing a patient to verify that the patient should be closed. There is an option to not display the confirmation as well.
- User Security
- NEW FEATURE – Permissions have been added for Create SOAP Notes and Print SOAP Notes.
- SOAP Note Batch Printing
- NEW FEATURE – User must have Print SOAP Notes permission to access batch printing.
ChiroPad EMR:
- Tools
- Customize
- UPDATED – DIR Regions
- Edited regions are now automatically updated through to reports to ensure that if a region name is changed, it is correctly reflected on the report.
- UPDATED – Assessment – Progress: Resolved an issue where a new Progress sentence could not be added.
- UPDATED – Subjective Complaints: Resolved a runtime error 401 when adding a new relief.
- Settings
- SOAP Notes
- NEW FEATURE – Option for Default font on the SOAP window has been added. This is a per user preference, the default is Tahoma if no option is selected.
- NEW FEATURE – Option for Extended Format for SOAP Initials has been added which includes the date and time the note was electronically signed.
- Subjective
- UPDATED – Body Regions
- The following body regions have been added:
- General
- Posterior – Middle Back, Sacral, Coccyx, Hip; Anterior – Epigastrick, Lower Ribs.
- Specific
- Anterior – Right and Left Epigastrick, Right and Left Lower Ribs.
- Settings
- SOAP Notes
- NEW FEATURE – Option for Default font on the SOAP window has been added. This is a per user preference, the default is Tahoma if no option is selected.
- NEW FEATURE – Option for Extended Format for SOAP Initials has been added which includes the date and time the note was electronically signed.
- Documents Window
- UPDATED – Form load processes have been optimized to decrease the load time of the window.
- UPDATED – The text controls(Current, Prior, and Narrative) on the documents window have been updated:
- Support for enhanced drag and drop operations.
- Support for clipboard data from more applications including Word 2007.
- Status bars have been added.
- Support for drag drop RTF data as well as plain text. When plain text is dropped, it assumes the current formatting at the current cursor location.
- Print Prior Notes
- NEW FEATURE – Other Options frame with options to include patient address and ID # in each note. When printing multiple notes on separate pages, this information is added to each note when the options are selected.
- NEW FEATURE – Enabled permissions for Create and Print SOAP notes. User must have the create permission to generate new notes and the Print permission to print prior notes.
- NEW FEATURE – Modified the design of the windows to allow for the Note Options to be stacked for faster and easier access.
- NEW FEATURE – Added additional options to Force the Following items:
- Exams, ROM, Physical Exam, and Health History.
- NEW FEATURE – Added All options for both Force and Suppress.
- NEW FEATURE – Added DX Visitometer frame to display Visitometer information. This frame replaces the visit counter check box.
- NEW FEATURE – Added Toggle view buttons to all tabs to Switch between Page and Layout mode.
- Note Generation
- UPDATED – Note Section Titles now generate formatted in bold and underline.
- UPDATED – Note Sub Section Titles now generate formatted in underline.
- UPDATED – Note Sub Section Item Titles now generate formatted in italics.
- UPDATED – DIR, Muscle, and Sensory Exam information now generate after the Objective section of the SOAP Note.
- UPDATED – Adjustment Results now generate after the Plan section of the SOAP Note.
- NEW FEATURE – ADLs now generate into the Subjective section of the SOAP note with an option to suppress ADLs.
- Auto Accident Narrative
- UPDATED – Modified the save process to support the Stopped check box and correctly determine if the vehicle was stopped, accelerating, or speed was unknown(MPH is left blank, stopped is not checked).
- Patient Diagnosis
- UPDATED – DX History Report
- Resolved an issue that would generate runtime error 13 if a DX set was corrupt.
- Tweaked report output to avoid adding blank pages or pages with no header or footer information.
- UPDATED – Clone DX now clears the DX Visitometer.
- UPDATED – Modified the design of the DX Patterns and Narrative Diagnosis.
- NEW FEATURE – Added Customize DX Patterns button for direct access to the Diagnosis Patterns Tool.
- Prognosis
- UPDATED – This form has now been moved into a tab on the Assessment/DX window and is no longer a standalone window.
- Tools
- Reports
- NEW FEATURE – Practice Statistics Report: This report combines all information from the Financial Statistics, New Patient, and Appointment Statistics reports into one report. The option to show the total(calculated from the day first day ChiroOffice used) has been removed as this report is now based on the time frame selected.
- NEW FEATURE – Services By CPT Expanded Report: This reports is an expanded version of the services by CPT Report listing all patients with the Date of Service(DOS) and if the charge was billed to Patient or Insurance.
- NEW FEATURE – Added SOAP Note Batch Printing as an option to the Tools menu.
- Transactions
- UPDATED – Credit card processing using XCharge now correctly reflects payments in the patient’s account.
- UPDATED – Resolved an issue that would cause an error after entering a new transaction, saving, then trying to go into the transaction window again.
- Transaction Ledger
- UPDATED – Total Column is no longer available as this feature is being updated for a future release.
- Printing
- UPDATED – Simple option is now always available.
- UPDATED – Detail summary is now specific to the transactions selected and only the transactions selected are used to determine the current balances.
- UPDATED – Simple Report: Resolved an issue that would not print the City Tax line if a Sales Tax line was present as well.
- UPDATED – Edit Receipt: Optimized to ensure the edit receipt window always shows up and not just the initial time it is opened for a patient.
- Post Insurance
- Line Item Posting
- UPDATED – Billed column now correctly displays the amount when tax has been charged on the line.
- NEW FEATURE – The selected row is now highlighted.
- NEW FEATURE – Sorting and Ordering options
- Sort by Date of Entry (DOE) or Date of Service (DOS)
- Order Ascending or Descending
- UPDATED – Resolved an issue where the Patient or Insurance balances were not properly updating when Continue Posting was checked.
Prior Release Notes
Version 14
Version 12
Versions 10 through 11.4