ChiroSuite is comprised of two very powerful comprehensive, yet intuitive programs, ChiroOffice and ChiroPad EMR . The level of integration between both programs is unheralded, yielding a paperless office environment.
ChiroSuite EHR has been created for the latest technology including Tablet and Touchscreen computers as well as Desktop, Laptop, and Notebook computers.
EHR Healthcare Software: Things You Should Know
Today's health care offices are busier and more paperwork-laden than ever. However, the potential for real savings in time and money exists with the right software. When you're ready to escape the clutter and concentrate on your specialty, ChiroSuite EHR software is your complete solution. Produced by Life Systems Software, ChiroOffice, and ChiroPad EMR have changed the way many doctors do business.
ChiroSuite EHR represents the very latest innovations in healthcare management and EMR SOAP notes software. With more than 2 decades in the business of streamlining healthcare procedures, Life Systems Software now offers the simplest, most comprehensive solution for saving staff time--as well as your own. Read our many testimonials from doctors around the country and you'll be amazed to discover the potential savings and increased income to your practice's bottom line due to using ChiroSuite EHR.
ChiroOffice allows your staff to manage appointment scheduling, patient billing, insurance processing, phone-call logging, project management and much more. ChiroOffice is designed as a workhorse, geared for multi-doctor, multi-disciplinary, and even multi-clinic applications. ChiroPad EMR works as your own personal assistant in the exam room, letting you enter your notes instantly and with exceptional clarity. The random text generation features 47 randomized grammatical depths that give your documentation a dictated appearance.
One user of the ChiroSuite EHR software estimates that his staff saves one to three hours per day in office management time. Another user says that the vast reduction of rejected claims saves his practice thousands of dollars per year. Take a virtual tour of ChiroOffice and ChiroPad today and see how Life Systems Software is revolutionizing the healthcare business.
Integrated credit/debit card processing is now available within your ChiroSuite EHR/ChiroOffice Software. With this embedded feature, you can process credit/debit card payments right from your point-of-sale screen. This software processes through your internet connection eliminating the need for terminals and an additional phone line. The software eliminates the need to reconcile transaction reports and batches out automatically. By using a single integrated system you can work more effectively and cut out receipts making your office paperless.
Benefits Include:
• Support for all major credit/debit card types
• Combined sales and credit/debit card receipts
• Eliminate bulky and costly charge card terminals
• Process payment transactions in under 5 seconds |