Release Notes

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ChiroSuite Version 12.4

Release Date: June 15, 2007
  • UPDATED - Front Desk Search Functionality:
    • All search types now make use of the Status field when searching by Number.
    • The number field now supports the Auto-Search functionality.
    • The number field now supports searching for alphanumeric Chart Numbers.
  • NEW FEATURE - SOAP Note Batch Printing: Patients Tab:
    • A new tab has been added to allow for the selection of specific patients with an option to include Inactive patient accounts.
  • UPDATED - User Security:
    • The user security interface has been redesigned.
    • By default, only Active users load. A check box has been added to show all users.
    • On Screen Help has been added to the User Properties General tab. This includes helpful information about the fields on this tab and the maximum length for the text fields.
    • The 'Delete Transactions' permission has been renamed to 'Delete/Edit Transactions'. This permission has been expanded to allow a user with this permission enabled to edit transactions from a previous period.
    • A new user Permission, 'View Financial Reports', has been added to allow/disallow access to financial reports in the system. NOTE: This permission is enabled by default.
      • This permission affects the reports listings under Tools > Reports in both ChiroPad and ChiroOffice.
  • NEW FEATURE - Preferences - Disable Sounds: This new option has been added to disable all sounds throughout the ChiroPad and ChiroOffice.
  • UPDATED - Database32 - Patient Status Maintenance: This functionality has been moved to the main form and the Active Patients button has been removed.
  • UPDATED - Global User Preferences: A message box has been added to let the user know to close and reopen ChiroOffice and/or ChiroPad for any changes to take effect.
  • NEW FEATURE - Letter Forms - The following new forms have been added:
    • Attorney Marketing Letter: This letter is used to get referrals from attorneys. (Attorney-MarketingLetter_124.txm)
    • Medicare ABN No Payment Notice: This letter is used to verify that the patient is aware that Medicare will not cover all charges. (MedicareABN_NoPmtNotice_124.txm)
    • No Work Note: This letter is used to confirm that the patient should not be working. (NoWorkNote_124.txm)
  • NEW FEATURE - Muscle Test Exam Report:
    This module, like the Diagnostic Imaging Report module, takes advantage of the customization features our clients have come to enjoy throughout ChiroPad. The interface was designed from a chiropractic point of view to enable the user to enjoy a simple design, with rich results. This module comes complete with the following features:
    • Reports are not able to be modified after generation. There is the ability to make addendums to ensure that reports are always accurate and provide solid information.
    • There are 26 predefined verbiage templates and 16 built in template types to customize each part of the report.
    • Verbiage customization windows include quick test areas to test new verbiage prior to report generation ensuring the quality of generated reports.
    • Dynamometer Pre and Post Exam measurements.
  • NEW FEATURE - Sensory Test Exam Report:
    This module, like the Diagnostic Imaging Report module, takes advantage of the customization features our clients have come to enjoy throughout ChiroPad. The interface was designed from a chiropractic point of view to enable the user to enjoy a simple design, with rich results. This module comes complete with the following features:
    • Reports are not able to be modified after generation. There is the ability to make addendums to ensure that reports are always accurate and provide solid information.
    • There are 5 predefined verbiage templates and 13 built in template types to customize each part of the report.
    • Verbiage customization windows include quick test areas to test new verbiage prior to report generation ensuring the quality of generated reports.
  • UPDATED - Objective Window:
    • The screen design of the objective window has been redesigned and the font has been updated from a legacy FON font file to a current True Type Font file (TTF).
    • All customization sections for the Objective findings have been updated to use the new True Type Font.
      • To Access Customizations: Click Tools > Customize. > ChiroPad > Objective > Spinal Examinations.
    • Buttons have been added on this window to access the new Muscle and Sensory Exam Reports.
  • UPDATED - Diagnostic Imaging Report Window:
    • The spine font has been updated to use the new True Type Font from the Objective window.
  • UPDATED - SOAP Note Storage:
    • SOAP Notes are now stored separately from the main databases to increase efficiency of all SOAP Note processes.
  • UPDATED - Work Restrictions Report - Print Function:
    • This functionality has been updated to print the currently selected Work Restriction Report. If no valid Work Restriction Report is selected, the user is prompted to select one.
    • The output of the Work Restriction Report has been modified for easier viewing.
  • NEW FEATURE - Work Restriction Report - Activities list: Added Minutes and Kilograms as a selection in the Units Column.
  • UPDATED - Narrative Report Printing: Medications listed in the Patient's history now print on the Narrative report.
  • NEW FEATURE - SOAP Generation Note Options:
    • A checkbox has been added to Suppress Sensory Exam Data
    • A checkbox has been added to Suppress Muscle Exam Data
  • UPDATED - CMS-1500 (08-05) Form Printing:
    • This functionality has been updated to consider the Insurance Carrier option to not print the Carrier Address at the top of the CMS-1500 (08-05) form.
    • The date options in the carrier catalog have been enabled to allow the user to select the date formatting for specific carriers.
    • The option to print all uppercase on claims now works with the CMS-1500 (08-05) form.
  • UPDATED - Insurance Policies - New York State C4 tab: When creating a new C4, the system now looks up the patients next visit date and sets it automatically. If there is no next visit date the default is to the date the C4 is created.
  • UPDATED - New York State C4 Printing:
    • C4 Printing now looks up the patient's next visit date to ensure the accuracy of the form, if no visit is scheduled, the date set as the next visit date in the tab is used.
    • The Diagnosis description now prints if the option to Print Diagnosis description is enabled in the preferences.
  • UPDATED - Edit Transactions: If the user has the permission to delete or edit transactions, they are now able to edit transactions from a previous period. An audit will run behind the scenes to ensure that all financial information is correct.
  • UPDATED - Internet Disk Image Claim Printing: The date options have been enabled to allow the user to select date formatting for specific carriers.
  • NEW FEATURE - Reports - Total Billed to and Paid By Insurance: this report displays total amounts billed to and paid by insurance carriers broken down by patient and then date of service for a specified date range.
  • NEW FEATURE - Insurance Carrier Catalog - AMA Form - More Options:
    • Two options for Box 24J on the CMS-1500 (08-05) form have been added:
      • Option to print the Rendering Provider Legacy ID in the shaded portion of the line item. The default is not to print.
      • Option to not print the Rendering Provider NPI Number. The default is to always print.
ChiroSuite Version 12.3 R3

Release Date: March 30, 2007
  • NEW FEATURE - Provider Catalog: A field has been added for Box 32 to allow for the entry of the Facility NPI where the Provider performs services at another service location
  • No changes at this time.
  • UPDATED - Internet Disk Image Format: This claim format now supports the new NPI fields.
  • NEW FEATURE - Claim Type Covnerter: This new utility has been added under Tools → Utilities → Claim Type Converter. The Claim Type Converter allows for converting claim formats from any desired format to any desired format with an optional filter for Insruance carriers.
  • UPDATED - Transaction Window: SALT (Same As Last Time) button functionality: The Diagnosis Relation is now displayed from the previous transaction.
  • UPDATED - Claim Submit History Window:
    • The Claim ID is now displayed in the Title bar of the window.
    • The Dates of Services for the claim are now displayed.
    • A column has been added to display the user who submitted the claim. For claims submitted prior to this update, the user who submitted the claim will not be displayed.
    • The submission history now displays in descending order with the most recent submission at the top of the list for easier viewing of claim submissions.
    • The Print function has been modified and prints in a report format.
    • The printed Claim Submit History now includes the following:
      • Dates of Service
      • Patient Chart
  • NEW FEATURE - Insurance Carrier Catalog - Claim Options: An option has been added to print the Clinic NPI in Box 33 in place of the Provider NPI.
ChiroSuite Version 12.3 R2

Release Date: March 21, 2007
  • NEW FEATURE - Reporting Functionality: All reports have been updated to use a newer version of the report control.
  • No changes at this time.
  • NEW FEATURE - Transaction Recap Report: An option has been added to print only the summary.
  • UPDATED - Claim handling and Processing Procedures: The internal claim handling processes have been enhanced to further ensure the quality and proper accounting for all financial information related to claims.
  • UPDATED - Appointment Schedule Window: The scheduling functionality in the right click pop-up menu has been updated to allow the user to schedule up to the maximum number of patients that are currently open on the system.
ChiroSuite Version 12.3 Update 1

Release Date: March 1, 2007
  • NEW FEATURE - Help ⇒ Log Me In Remote Support: This item has been added to aid in remote technical support.
  • NEW FEATURE - SOAP Note and Narrative Report internal generation processes have been improved.
  • UPDATED - Patient Transaction Window:
    • This window has been modified to increase efficiency and decrease transaction processing time.
    • Modifications to the Digital Travel Card text box:
      • The back color has been changed to white and the text color has been changed to blue.
      • The Last Updated Date and Time for the Digital Travel Card message now displays at the top of the text box instead of inside the text box.
      • The Visit Status is now displayed after the Digital Travel Card Message.
    • Patient Discount:
      • The user now has the option to auto apply the discount or be prompted to enter it when saving a transaction.
      • If the discount being applied is greater than the patient's balance due, the user is prompted with 3 options:
        1. Adjust the discount to be equal to the patient's balance due and apply the discount.
        2. Modify the discount amount.
        3. Not apply the discount at all.
  • NEW FEATURE - Express Payment Buttons: Buttons are now available to add in Cash, Check, or Credit card payments without having to type in the codes for the respective procedures. An option for which column to default to has also been added with a choice of Remark or Amount. This option is global and does not have to be saved on each machine.
ChiroSuite Version 12.3

Release Date: February 20, 2007
  • NEW FEATURE - Attorney, Employer, Provider, and Referring Physician Master Lists: These reports now have an option to be printed as mailing labels.
  • NEW FEATURE - SmartPad Template Editor Merge Fields: Merge fields are now available for:
    1. Referring Physicians -
      1. Name, Contact, Title, First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, Suffix, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, ID Number, ID Number Qualifier, NPI, and Discipline.
    2. Diagnostic Imaging Centers -
      1. Company Name, Contact, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, and Fax.
    3. Patient Personal -
      1. Marital Status
      2. User Defined Information: All Fields are available in the Patient's file are now available as merge fields.
    4. Insurance Information - NOTE: Insurance information is only available when ChiroOffice is installed and in use.
      1. Insured's Name
      2. Insured's Address
      3. Insured's City
      4. Insured's State
      5. Insured's Zip
      6. Insured's Phone
      7. Insured's Sex
      8. Insured's DOB
      9. Insured's Policy Number
      10. Consulted Date
  • NEW FEATURE - LiveUpdateCS: For all future releases after version 12.3, the ChiroSuite Attendant will automatically detect new software after the server has been upgraded and prompt the user to update the software on each workstation eliminating the need to install an update on every machine. Installing the update on each machine is still an option but is no longer necessary after installing 12.3 on all machines.
  • NEW FEATURE - Diagnostic Imaging Centers Catalog: A report has been added to allow the printing of a report or mailing labels for all Diagnostic Imaging Centers.
  • NEW FEATURE - Insurance Manager - Pre-Billing:
    1. An option has been added to only display Pre-Billing information for Patients who are active.
    2. This new option is stored and is not necessary to be set every time Pre-Billing is run.
  • NEW FEATURE - Carrier Catalog Master List: This report now has the option to be printed as mailing labels.
  • NEW FEATURE - Insurance Deductible Report: This report displays the deductible information that is available through the Insurance carrier catalog by clicking the Medicare button and then clicking the Deductibles tab.
  • NEW FEATURE - Tools ⇒ Letters: This item, formerly named Patient Letters has been extended to allow merging documents using catalog information for the following catalogs: Attorneys, Employers, Providers, Referring Physicians, and Diagnostic Imaging Centers. NOTE: Diagnostic Imaging Center information is only available when ChiroPad is installed and in use.
ChiroSuite Version 12.2

Release Date: December 11, 2006
  • NEW FEATURE - Reports - The following new reports have been added:
    1. Provider Master List
    2. Referring Physician Master List
  • NEW FEATURE - Referring Physician Catalog:
    1. A field has been added for the National Provider ID of the Referring Physician.
    2. An ID qualifier has been added in support of the CMS-1500 for Box 17a: Other ID#.
  • NEW FEATURE - SmartPad Template Editor - The following merge fields have been added:
    1. Secondary Company Name
    2. Secondary Carrier Address
    3. Secondary Carrier City
    4. Secondary Carrier State
    5. Secondary Carrier Zip
    6. Secondary Insured ID
  • UPDATED - SmartPad Template Editor - Merge field ICD Diagnosis: The merge functionality of this field has been improved to preserve the Diagnosis order from the patient's current diagnosis set.
  • IMPROVED - Patient Personal - User Defined Information Tab: This tab has been reorganized for simpler use and onscreen help has been added for customizing User Defined Field Names.
  • NEW FEATURE - Patient Notes/Comments: A field is now available on the Subjective window to enter notes for a patient or comments the patient makes during the exam. This information is available to the SOAP note as well and can be optionally suppressed.
  • NEW FEATURE - CMS-1500 Claim Format - ChiroOffice is now ready for paper submission of the new CMS-1500 form.
  • NEW FEATURE - Missing Progress Notes - This report has been modified and now offers the following options:
    1. Display only insurance visits to be billed.
    2. Display insurance visits to be billed and insurance visits that have already been billed.
    3. Include cash patient visits.
  • NEW FEATURE - Insurance Carrier Catalog - AMA Form - Provider Section: This section has been modified to allow for the insertion of the required ID Qualifiers for non-NPI payer specific IDs.
ChiroSuite Version 12.1

Release Date: October 19, 2006
  • NEW FEATURE - Patient Master List Report - This report now includes an option to print only patient names.
  • NEW FEATURE - Provider Catalog - The following fields have been added in support for the CMS-1500:
    1. National Provider ID (NPI) for the provider.
    2. National Provider ID (NPI) for the provider's clinic.
  • NEW FEATURE - Emergency Contact Information - A section has been created in the patient's file to hold the name, home phone, cell phone, and work phone for an emergency contact.
  • NEW FEATURE - Patient Referrals Window - This window has been extended with new functionality:
    1. A column has been added to indicate the count.
    2. The list of referrals is now able to be sorted by the Created Date, Chart Number, Name, and Date Of Birth.
    3. A Print button has been added to print the referral list for the patient.
  • NEW FEATURE - Patient SOAP Note Printing - An option has been added to print one note per page.
  • IMPROVED - Physical Exam - The SOAP note generation process related to this window has been enhanced to exclude extraneous information not selected by the user.
  • NEW FEATURE - Patients By Carrier Report - This report now allows for the following options for more detailed reporting:
    • List only active patients.
    • List only Patients with balances, including those patients who are not active.

    • List patients for all providers.
    • List patients for a single provider.
  • IMPROVED - Patient Transaction Signature Capture - This functionality has been improved and now stores signatures in an encrypted format in a separate signature database.
ChiroSuite Version 12.0

Release Date: August 10, 2006
  • IMPROVED - Diagnostic Table Export Utility: After the tool has been run, a message box is displayed showing the location of the exported file and where to send the exported file.
  • NEW FEATURE -The following new forms have been added to Patient Letters:
    1. New Patient Intake
    2. Auto Accident Information
    3. HIPAA Authorizations
    4. Financial Authorizations with a Power of Attorney
    5. Former Patient Information Update
    6. Work Injury Information
    7. X-Ray Release
  • IMPROVED - Patient Master List - Demographic Report - The cell phone is now available on this report.
  • IMPROVED - Diagnosis Statistics Report - This report has been updated to allow for sorting by ID, ICD, or Description of the Diagnosis Codes.
  • NEW FEATURE - Database Upgrade - Prior to upgrading the database to the current version, an automatic backup of the database is created and named cs_pubXXXXXX.mdb where XXXXXX is the database version of the database prior to upgrading.
  • NEW FEATURE - MIA Patient Report - This report outputs all missed patient appointments that show up on the Front Desk screen in the Scheduled list when the MIA option is selected. The default sort is by date and an option to sort by Patient is available.
  • IMPROVED - Smart Select Query Window - Runtime Error 3075, the result of not entering a value for a selected field is now handled internally by the program and provides an intuitive message notifying the user that a value is missing.
  • IMPROVED - Patient Photo on FrontDesk - Runtime Error 53, the result of a picture file not being located is now handled internally by the program and a message is displayed to the user that it is necessary to set the patient's photo.
  • IMPROVED - Scanned Documents - Import of Existing Document or Image:
    1. This process has been optimized and will now check to ensure that the file is being correctly named and exists at the source.
    2. When clicking the Cancel button the message "Invalid File Name" has been removed and no error message is generated.
  • NEW FEATURE - User Security:
    1. A new option has been added to allow a user to be set to Inactive. When logging into the system, only Active users will be on the list of Available Users and only Active users can be assigned to projects. The selection of Inactive keeps a record of past users in the list of Available Users.
    2. The PIN maximum length has been extended to accommodate passwords up to 20 characters.
  • IMPROVED - Patient Information:
    1. Information Requirements: The system now checks to ensure that all required fields are completed when saving a patient's file.
    2. Patient Title/Sex Crosscheck: When saving a patient's file the title is checked against the sex to ensure that both fields agree.
    3. Drivers License Field: This field has been expanded to accept up to 30 characters and a License State dropdown box has been added to accommodate the state of the Drivers License.
    4. When saving a patient file, if there is no title set for a patient the user is prompted to enter a title with the option to not enter a title available. The title is important for letters and narratives as well as SOAP notes in order to have the best professional appearance.
    5. If the patient is not the Head Of Household and there is no patient set as the Head Of Household for the patient that is currently being edited, the user is given the opportunity to correct this before saving the file.
    6. Checking 'Use HOH Information for Statements' verifies that Head Of Household information is set for the patient prior to saving. If it is not, the user is instructed how to enter the missing information.
  • NEW FEATURE - Front Desk Window - The patient's cell phone is now displayed on the front desk window when the patient is opened.
  • NEW FEATURE - Provider and Referring Physician Catalogs:
    1. Initials - Initials for a Provider or Referring Physician can now be saved directly in the catalog integrating with the current initials system built into ChiroPad for SOAP Note generation.
  • NEW FEATURE - Attorney, Diagnostic Imaging Centers, Employer, Provider and Referring Physician Catalogs:
    1. Email - A field has been added to store an email address in each of the above mentioned catalogs and a button has been provided to quickly send an email as well.
    2. WebSite - A field has been added to store a website address for each of the above mentioned catalogs and a button is provided to allow for quick navigation to the website.
  • IMPROVED - Visit Recap Report:
    1. This report now includes a summary showing a breakdown of all visits by account type including percent amounts for the number of visits for each account.
    2. The total visits listed on the report are also included in the summary.
  • NEW FEATURE - Public Database: Repair - This new utility replaces the functionality of the DataSurgery and DBRebuild programs for repairing and rebuilding corrupted cs_pub data files.
  • NEW FEATURE - SmartPad Merge Fields - The following merge fields are now available:
    • Patient Email
    • Patient Cell Phone
    • Patient Fax Phone
    • Patient Occupation
    • Patient Student School
    • Patient Student Status
    • Lower and Upper Case Merge fields for his/her and he/she indicated by the case of the merge field. (for example: < his/her > versus < His/Her >)
  • NEW FEATURE - Diagnostic Imaging Report (DIR): This module brings the complete power of SOAP note customization to Image Reporting. The simple interface "guides" the report generation process to decrease time spent fixing mistakes and increase the speed of report generation. This module is ready to use out of the box - NO SETUP REQUIRED - with the following features:
    • Bullet Proof reports that are not able to be altered.
    • Ability to make Addendums to existing reports to note mistakes.
    • 50 predefined verbiage templates.
    • 50 predefined Findings with 88 verbiage synonyms.
    • In Depth Customization:
      • 12 Built in template types to customize each part of the report.
      • Merge Field Quick Insert functionality to aid in creating your own templates.
      • Test Verbiage templates on the fly.
      • Fully customizable extended detail sets with up to 5 items per set.
      • Customize how each finding applies to the spine.
      • Specify which findings are relevant to each body region.
      • Set findings to inactive that are not used.
      • Clone findings to create similar findings on the fly without having to re-enter data.
      • Assign Extended Detail Sets to findings.
      • Create an unlimited number of synonyms for each finding and specify a statistical weight on a scale of 1 to 100 for each synonym so reports generate exactly as you want it.
      • Set preferences for the Prescribing Doctor, Default Exam Type, and Default Facility Location.
      • Designate which parts of the DIR reports to include in the daily SOAP Notes.
    • Narrative Merge Fields for:
      • Initial DIR Date, Findings, Impressions, Additional Notes, and Addendums.
      • Current DIR Date, Findings, Impressions, Additional Notes, and Addendums.
    • Diagnostic Imaging Catalog: This new catalog is used to store outside clinic information to be used when preparing DIR reports. Now preparing blazing fast reports on Images ordered by outside clinics is not only possible. it's just too easy!
  • IMPROVED - Activities of Daily Living Window:
    • This window has been updated for better performance and no longer displays an improper registration window.
    • The grid of selected ADL items has also been modified for better viewing of what items are selected.
    • The Activities of Daily Living Window no longer requires a verbiage refresh for newly added items. The new items are available for use as soon as they are entered in the customization screen.
  • NEW FEATURE - Patient Letters - The functionality from ChiroOffice is now available within the documents window in ChiroPad. This new interface plugs directly into the current system and allows access to all ChiroOffice Patient Letters which have been previously generated.
  • NEW FEATURE - SOAP Note Batch Printing - More precise error handling procedures have been implemented for a smoother user experience. If no SOAP notes have been selected based on the criteria specified, a message box will now display notifying the user that no notes have been selected.
  • IMPROVED - Documents Window - New Tab: The text control has been modified and the height of the control is now consistent with the program.
  • NEW FEATURE - Tools Menu - SmartPad Template Editor is now available by clicking Tools > SmartPad Template Editor
  • IMPROVED - Future Appointments Report - This report has been updated and now includes the Provider's name, the Clinic address, and the Phone and Fax number for the clinic.
  • IMPROVED - Aged Patient Accounts:
    • The query builder window now verifies that at least 1 field is selected and values have been entered for that field. If there is a field selected but no value entered, a window will be displayed prompting the user to enter the missing value. If no fields are selected, a window will notify the user that no fields have been selected and the report will not run.
    • Clicking the 'Cancel' button in the query builder window will no longer run the report, it will simply cancel it.
  • IMPROVED - Patient Statements:
    • The Balance Summary is now available on all pages of the patient statement.
    • The first page of each statement now includes the patients name and the date the statement was printed. The date is also added to each subsequent page of the patient statement.
    • The Provider Phone and Fax number is now printed on every statement.
  • NEW FEATURE - An option has been added to the patients file to print head of household mailing information if a patient is not the head of household and there is a head of household specified in the patients file.
  • NEW FEATURE - An option has been added to Preferences > Statements to always print head of household information if a patient is not the head of household and there is a head of household specified in the patients file. This option overrides the individual setting in the patients file to use the head of household information.
  • IMPROVED - Preferences > Statements: The Due Date after Statement Period has been expanded to allow up to 30 days and the Max Payment has been expanded to allow amounts up $9999.00.
  • IMPROVED - Appointment Window Blackout Feature - This feature has been improved to maintain black out times later in the schedule when an earlier blackout is removed.
  • IMPROVED - Referral Report - This report has been revised and now displays income amounts for each referral source and total income for all referral sources. The report has been renamed to Income Referral Report.
  • IMPROVED - Services By CPT
    • The following options have been added to this report:
      • Choose to run the report for all CPT codes in the system or a single CPT code.
      • Choose to run the report for all providers in the systems or a single provider.
    • The usage ratio of each code is now displayed on this report.
  • IMPROVED - AppointmentCall Interface - This interface has been updated to be compatible with the newer version of the AppointmentCall system.
    • All Preferences for AppointmentCall have been moved from the Appointment Template Editor into the AppointmentCall Interface for faster access and simpler processing to the AppointmentCall system.
  • IMPROVED - Insurance Policies: HCFA Options
    • The subluxation field has been expanded from 10 to 20 characters.
    • An option has been added to print the diagnosis relation without commas.
    • An option has been added to print the diagnosis codes without decimals with an option to print using a space or no space.
  • IMPROVED - Financial Statistics Report - This report has been updated and expands the Adjustments section to be more specific for individual adjustment entries made on a patient account.
  • NEW FEATURE - Provider NPI number: The provider catalog has been updated to support the 10 digit NPI number.
  • IMPROVED - Transaction Recap Report:
    • The report selection window has been updated.
    • An option has been added to print only the Consolidated Transaction Recap when Active Providers is selected in the Provider list. This option is remembered by the system so it will not be necessary to set it every time the report is run.
  • IMPROVED - New York C4 Form Printing - Printing is now compatible with the newer C-4 (11-05) format. The form is available from this link When printing the form, be sure to select None for the Page Scaling option in the Page Handling section of the Adobe PDF Print Window.
  • IMPROVED - Transaction Ledger - Print Ledger: Column headers are now printing correctly.
  • NEW FEATURE - Appointment Template Editor: Appointment Resolution Tab - This tab now allows the user to customize the staff actions listed in the 'Appointment Resolution' window. This includes setting the Next Alert and Status for the staff action.
  • NEW FEATURE - Appointment Resolution Window - The Next Alert field has been redesigned to allow the user to choose "None", or from a range of 1 through 99, and then select either minutes, hours, or days. Users are no longer restricted to hard coded options.
Prior Release Notes
Versions 10 through 11.4