ChiroOffice is designed for patient retention using the appointment
scheduler, as well as helping optimize revenue (without simply
increasing your fees) in your office by use of treatment sets.
To define & customize your treatment sets and their associated CPT
codes, from the dropdown menu of ChiroOffice, choose
Tools->Catalogs->Procedures and choose the Treatment Sets button.
Below are samples of automatic checkout treatment sets. Treatment sets are 100% user definable.
Each treatment set typically has more than one CPT transaction code associated with it. It is common in
chiropractic for a patient to be in a particular treatment regimen.
If you use treatment sets, you will consistently bill for these
services and this will manage your revenue stream very fairly.
Provided that you have appropriate treatment sets defined for your
practice style, think of these treatment sets like McDonald's Value
Meals. Treatment sets and Value Meals are both designed for
mutual convenience AND revenue stream.
If you do not use treatment sets, that's fine. Our objective is
not to encourage over ambitious billing techniques, but to point out
that under ambitious billing is a problem as well. Many doctors
provide services without billing for them. The patient's health
care is the #1 goal. But the doctor's fair financial
compensation is the #2 goal. Treatment sets help to fairly
balance these goals. Fairness is the operative word in this
If you do not use treatment sets, these are some benefits you are missing:
1) Your treatment plan is probably defined from visit to visit rather than from short term planning of several
2) You are missing the billing consistency of treatment planning.
3) You are missing a fair revenue opportunity.
These are samples only for the purposes of encouraging you to define your *own*.
Every practice can decide to do things their own way.
In this naming convention, numbers (1, 3, 5) represent the number of
regions adjusted; X = extremity adjustment; H = hot packs; C = cold
packs; M = massage; U = ultrasound; E = electrical muscle stimulation;
T = traction;
Note: A patient may have more than one treatment plan. For
example, it is common to have a treatment plan such as 3H as well as a
treatment plan of X. These two treatment plans together would
describe "adjustment 3-4 regions, hot packs, extremity
CPT Code(s)
Adj. only; 1-2 regions
(Associate your CPT codes for each group.)
Adj. only; 3-4 regions
(Associate your CPT codes for each group.)
Adj. only; 5 regions
(Associate your CPT codes for each group.)
Extremity Adjustment
(Associate your CPT codes for each group.)
Adj. 1-2 regions, hot packs
(Associate your CPT codes for each group.)
Adj. 3-4 regions, hot packs
(Associate your CPT codes for each group.)
Adj. 5 regions, hot packs
(Associate your CPT codes for each group.)
Adj. 1-2 regions, cold packs
(Associate your CPT codes for each group.)
Adj. 3-4 regions, cold packs
(Associate your CPT codes for each group.)
Adj. 5 regions, cold packs
(Associate your CPT codes for each group.)
Adj. 1-2 regions, hot packs, massage
(Associate your CPT codes for each group.)
Adj. 3-4 regions, hot packs, massage
(Associate your CPT codes for each group.)
Adj. 5 regions, hot packs, massage
(Associate your CPT codes for each group.)
Adj. 1-2 regions, ultrasound
(Associate your CPT codes for each group.)